Relationship Coaching for Couples - Best Couples Coaching 2025

relationship coach | couples coaching

Feeling stuck in your relationship?

At an impasse?

Have unresolved resentments?

You're not alone.

Many couples fall into winter and aren't sure how to get out.

That's why relationship coaching for couples is so popular.

It will help you resolve your resentments and rekindle your love!

What is a couples coach?

A couples coach is someone trained in specific tools and skills to build successful relationships. They work with couples to help them resolve resentments and build emotional and sexual intimacy.

How do I start couples coaching? 

1-Make your selection of our three relationship coaching packages below. Each session is 45 minutes long. Couples can purchase our discounted packages once as a special intro rate. After the package sessions are complete couples will be charged $100/session thereafter.

Two Sessions $180 (10% Off- Grab your spot here!

Four Sessions $340 (15% Off- Grab your spot here!)

Six Sessions $480 (20% Off- Grab your spot here!)

2-We will receive notification of your purchase. 

3-One of our master coaches will email you within 24 hours to schedule the first appointment. Check your spam folder in case it goes there.

What's the difference between couples coaching and counseling?

1-Past vs. Future

Most therapy focuses on the past. It will explore each partner's family of origin and unpack trauma, wounds, and patterns picked up in their childhood. In contrast, coaching focuses more on what couples can do differently moving forward regardless of their background. 

2-Feelings vs. Tools

Most therapy focuses on feelings. Sessions are spent exploring each partner's negative emotions and expressing them toward one another. In contrast, coaching focuses on learning tools and skills to improve the couple's relationship. 

3-Low Functioning vs. Moderate Functioning

Most therapy focuses on low functioning individuals with significant mental health problems or addictions and how those are impairing their marriage. In contrast, coaching focuses on moderate to high functioning individuals who do not have mental health problems or addictions and want to move their marriage from surviving to thriving. 

What happens in relationship coaching for couples? 

Common areas addressed in coaching include resentments, conflict resolution, communication, parenting, finances, emotional intimacy, sexual intimacy, uneven workload, sharing power, in laws, and infidelity.

Phase One- Resolve Your Resentments: 

All appointments are virtual for convenience. For the first session, the relationship coach will meet with each partner individually for 15 minutes to hear their backstory. Then, the remaining 15 minutes will be spent consolidating the couple's top areas of resentments. Subsequent sessions in phase one will be spent working through each resentment because nothing goes well in a relationship until all resentments are healed. 

Phase Two- Build Your Skills:

Once all resentments have been addressed, couples will be trained on the top tools required to build a successful relationship. For example, the tools will teach couples how to have effective conflict resolution, emotional intimacy, teamwork, and sexual intimacy.

Phase Three- Become An Amazing Partner:

The last phase of coaching will train couples on how to become amazing partners so they can fall back in love and stay in love well into the future! 

*Most couples need around 6 months of weekly coaching sessions to successfully work through all 3 phases. However, highly motivated couples can make it through all three phases in 3-4 months while other couples may need 1-2 years. It all depends on how teachable you are and how much you implement outside of session everything you're learning in session.

What training do the relationship coaches receive?

All the master coaches have been through the ICF accredited relationship coach certification program. The ICF (International Coaching Federation) is the governing body for the coaching industry worldwide. They are also in weekly supervision with Dr. Wyatt for ongoing support to maximize quality of care. They are masters at helping couples resolve their resentments and rekindle their love. Check out our couples coaching directory here!

relationship coach | relationship coaching for couples

I'm Dr. Wyatt Fisher and I'm a licensed clinical psychologist with a master's and doctorate in clinical psychology. I'm also a certified coach. I've been in private practice since 2004 specializing in marriage counseling. I'm also the founder of the Total Marriage Refresh marriage retreat, author of the Total Marriage Refresh marriage book, creator of the Keep the Glow couples app, and host of the Dr. Wyatt Show marriage podcast. To learn more about me click here.

Click here to read my Google reviews!

Who are the master relationship coaches?

relationship coach - relationship coaching

My name is Haven Poush and I'm a relationship coach. I have a Bachelor's degree in Psychology and spent five years working in the Social Work field, helping families build and maintain healthy attachments. My favorite part of that job was working with the parents, because it was so rewarding to see how when the marriage was strong, the whole family benefitted. As a relationship coach, I love helping couples heal their resentments and resolve their conflicts so they can fall back in love. 

relationship coach - relationship coaching

My name is Katya Jadwick and I'm a certified life and relationship coach. I have a BA in writing and performing arts from New York University.  I love working with couples to co-create healthy, fulfilling, and lasting relationships. I'm passionate about helping couples empower themselves.  My husband and I just celebrated 25 years together and we share two children, a dog, a rabbit, a snake, and a commitment to lifelong learning. 

Relationship Coach - Relationship Coaching for Couples
My name is Ali Isdaner and I'm a relationship coach. I believe in the power of human connection. My passion is rooted in helping couples learn how to engage in conflict and make use of concrete tools to deepen intimacy. I have a bachelors degree in psychology and sociology from Connecticut College and have worked for 15 plus years in the helping profession. My personal relationship experience fuels my drive to help others navigate the complexities that come along with marriage.

Dr. Wyatt Fisher

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